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Traits of Successful Franchise Systems

Franchises, like any relationship, require open, honest communication.

A good franchise relationship is a valuable business asset to be worked at to provide a solid foundation for success into the future.

Field Support

A face to face meeting makes any message clear and unambiguous. Franchisees are given a direct line to your head office. You gain valuable insight into the challenges facing the people on the ground.


Communication with franchisees should be clear and consistent. if you are unable to visit the franchisee then contact through telephone and e-mail are a good idea. Regular company newsletters with hints, tips and franchise milestones are a good way to make the franchisee feel part of a group.


Franchisees need to have someone to listen to their problems and make them feel a part of the organisation. Franchisees should feel comfortable picking up the phone with any concerns.

Get Together

By getting together a greater sense of community is created. Franchisees are given the chance to share issues and successes with their fellow franchisees. New products, services, programs and initiatives can be introduced. Innovation email, blogs, Facebook, Twitter can make your communication extremely powerful. Home pages can be used to gather information and statistics. Forms and templates can be available for the franchisee to use along with answers to frequently-asked questions.

Encourage your franchisees

Recognize what the franchisee does well, even if there is room for improvement. Franchisees want to see that the franchise organization sees the entire picture, nor just the negative. Make sure your franchise is a team. The success of the franchise depends on the success of you and your franchisees. One depends on the success of the other. Read more about the franchise law & consulting services we offer.

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